AI to Address Questions Left by Lung Screenings
Research team refines method for diagnosis of indeterminant lung nodules using artificial intelligence and advanced learning.
Research team refines method for diagnosis of indeterminant lung nodules using artificial intelligence and advanced learning.
Vanderbilt investigators have discovered that vasopressin, which has long been thought to be produced only in the brain, is also produced in the kidney.
Michael Topf, MD, Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Cancer Surgery at Vanderbilt wondered why computer-aided design (CAD) technology hadn’t made it into operating rooms as a visual aid for real-time consultations... So he decided to create it.
The current standard of care for identifying targetable mutations in cancer treatment is to conduct molecular profiles on tumor tissue samples, but a study published Monday in JAMA Network Open authored by Wade Iams, MD, and colleagues indicates that adding liquid biopsy testing for circulating tumor DNA mutations increases targetable mutation detection rates.
When the Vanderbilt Amyloid Multidisciplinary Program (VAMP) launched in 2011, it was the first center in Tennessee dedicated to patients with amyloidosis – a rare, systemic disorder that encompasses myriad presentations and organ dysfunctions. Since then, VAMP has paved the way to coordinated care as a major referral center in the southeastern United States, growing to include over a dozen collaborating specialists working to provide structured, multidisciplinary care to adults navigating an amyloidosis diagnosis.
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Academy for Excellence in Clinical Medicine (AECM) has selected 25 new members.