Cancer Center’s annual scientific retreat set for May 1
The 20th Annual Scientific Retreat will be held Wednesday, May 1, 8:30 a.m.
The 20th Annual Scientific Retreat will be held Wednesday, May 1, 8:30 a.m.
Finding gives boost to fighting cancer through cell metabolism
Uncontrolled activation of RAS causes approximately a third of all tumors and helps cancerous cells evade anti-cancer drugs. Vanderbilt researchers have identified small molecules that target this pathway and further defined how these small molecule compounds work.
Changes in enzymes involved in lysophospholipid signaling can activate a pathway implicated in development of cancer, a recent study suggests.
Carlos F. Lopez, PhD, and colleagues propose a new “conveyor belt” mechanism for how cellular signaling is amplified, or strengthened, as signals are handed off from one enzyme to the next.